It was the year 2005, when AJ Jacobs, the Editor-at-large of Esquire magazine was intrigued by the
possibility of outsourcing his personal life to a far-off land after reading Thomas Friedman's best
seller book on outsourcing - 'The World is Flat'. He wondered why should only Fortune 500s
outsource, why not individuals like him? This exploration led to an opportunity for our team (then
YourManInIndia - a concierge service in India) to be part of a global personal outsourcing
experiment. AJ's subsequent article in Esquire magazine on this got rave reviews.
Further his work on personal outsourcing inspired Timothy Ferriss to personally use 'Virtual
Assistant' services from YourManInIndia (YMII) for his new book on lifestyle design and productivity
"The 4-Hour Work Week". Very soon, the book became a chartbuster and went on to make it to the New
York Times Best Seller list.
The individual personal outsourcing experiment grew into a separate business division, now referred
to as 'GetFriday' providing virtual assistance services to global clients. It has been referred to
as YMII or YourManInIndia in the 4-Hour Work Week.
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"With a team structure, a single point of contact, a personal account manager and farming out your
tasks to the most-capable people in the group and across different shifts. They got it all covered!"
- Tim Ferriss Author of 4-Hour Workweek, The New York Times bestseller
The GetFriday service is available round the clock 24/7 and now caters to busy individuals, startups
and small businesses in 80 odd countries across different time zones. It has managed to take global
outsourcing & remote work within the reach of ordinary people; working professionals, entrepreneurs,
small business owners, struggling artists, working moms, academicians, lawyers to just about anyone.
It takes pride in serving customers from a wide variety of diverse backgrounds.
GetFriday is also the pioneer in bringing the idea of 'Get the Personal touch of an assistant along
with access to a pool of expertise' into the market that makes virtual assistance dependable and so
scalable unlike before.
Our brand has been featured regularly in some of the world's leading magazines, newspapers, TV and
best sellers due to its innovative business idea and our quality of services. It is staffed by a
young and energetic team of 200+ professionals from diverse backgrounds based out of India.
GetFriday continues to expand its business by continuously striving to enhance value to its clients.
Your VA acts as a single point of contact giving you access to all our services
under one plan.
Process Driven
We build processes for all your repetitive tasks and business projects ensuring that
no people dependency.
We have robust systems in place to secure your information and keep it confidential.
We make sure your tasks are completed on time and deadlines are met. Always!
Our pricing plans are flexible, they go from Pay as you Go to fixed monthly hours
giving you freedom to choose.
Adhoc Projects
Start small and go bigger as you gain trust. Test the waters with an Adhoc task or